![Save Westhoughton Act Now SWAN - Save Westhoughton Act Now](images/design/swan_logo_new.jpg)
Current Sites
The Bolton Council 'Local Plan' with its site allocations was adopted in 2014. It had been acknowledged by planners and Planning Inspector that Westhoughton had borne the brunt of development over many years, and that it couldn't really cope with much more building without undue pressure on infrastructure, services and quality of life.
S.W.A.N. monthly committee meetings have continued: those stated goals of keeping a watching brief over development in Westhoughton remain the same. Below are current medium and large scale developments in Westhoughton.
Roscoes Farm
The 106-dwelling development of Roscoe's Farm - an area of green open land once used for grazing that borders Hall Lee Bank Nature Reserve - was not unexpected; passed in August 2015, the Section 106 agreement is now signed off and work can proceed. Its impact on traffic problems on Bolton Road, particularly if the Armor Holdings site (opposite) is developed as allocated to be assessed.
Roscoes Farm (ref: 93610/15): Due to concerns raised about this development a special consultation event was held on Tuesday, 24th March at The Carnegie Hall, Westhoughton, where residents could view plans and speak to the developer's agent and the Bolton Council Planning Officer. The extended consultation period ended on 1 May 2015. Recommended for approval by the Planning Officer, and being an allocated site on the Local Plan, the application was given the go-ahead by the Planning Committee on 27th August (11 votes to 9) - to refuse would have resulted in an appeal by the developer that the Council would have lost.
After a short delay, the Section 106 Agreement was signed off (4/4/16) allowing for development of the site, subject to conditions, to begin. In the agreement there is monetary provision for off-site 'affordable housing', and local improvements: including Washacre Primary School, Hall Lee Bank Park (Local Nature Reserve), Central Park and Health Services.
Aldi Supermarket
With a formal planning application now in (95552/15) and approved (10/3/16), a new Aldi supermarket is to be built on on brownfield land (Glebe Mill) adjacent to Westhoughton library. The land was previously ear-marked for a 'retirement village' (86502/11 - 2011) - the application subsequently withdrawn. The project will see the relocation of the council car park (to be accessed via Library Street) with an increased capacity of 76 cars, with the existing public car park given over to supermarket parking (99 spaces) accessed via Bolton Road.
The consultation document is here. Approved - Bolton News article.
The new development would add to shopping provision in the town centre - a strategic aim of Bolton Council - and should increase footfall on Market Street with the increased parking availability.
Wellington Street
Work on this site has now begun (95151/15) on this site off Church Street near Westhoughton railway station, comprising 28 dwellings. Approved (12/5/16).
Wigan Road
Work under way on this small fill-in development of 7 apartments on a former car park opposite Woodlands Care Home (former Red Lion site) (96482/16). Approved (30/6/16).
Related Links
Further information and reading related to main content.
- Allocations Plan - Bolton Council sites & documents.
LDF Consultation (2010).- Local Plan Review (2014).
- Bolton Council Local Plan (2014) - site allocations.
- Westhoughton Current Sites.
- Commenting on a Planning Application.
Current Activity
Development sites up for planning approval or approved. Westhoughton Current Sites.
- Aldi Supermarket - 95552/15 (23/12/15).
- Bowlands Hey [129] - 97377/16 (6/9/16).
- Bowlands Hey [174] - 02781/18 (29/1/18).
- Gaiety [Retail Units] - 02159/17 (23/10/17).
- Hartleys Farm [58] - 03000/18 (26/2/18).
- Hulton Park [1036] 00997/17 (22/5/17)
- Park Road (Depot) [21] - 00940/17 (15/5/17).
- Roscoes Farm [106] - 93610/15 (13/2/15).
- Wellington Street [28] - 95151/15 (15/10/15).
- Wigan Road [8] - 02169/17 (20/10/17).
Planning Search (Bolton Council) - search by reference number, postcode, ward or single line of an address.
'My Bolton' - searchable 'My Maps'… navigate to desired area, select 'Planning' / 'Applications by year' / click pop-up 'ref' to view planning application.
Westhoughton Town Council - info
Meetings take place fortnightly, Monday evenings currently held at Library. Planning matters usually discussed on a monthly basis.
Upcoming: 9 March (7pm) [Planning]
Bolton Council Planning Committee - info
Thurs, 2 April (2-6pm)
Thurs, 23 April (2-6pm)
Council Chamber
Minutes/Info of all Council Meetings can be found on the
Meetings Calendar - look for Committee of interest, date and click on link for info, minutes and decisions.