Commenting on a Planning Application
There are a number of ways to voice your opinion as part of the consultation process and 'Neighbour Representations' - you do not have to be directly affected or in receipt of a letter to comment.
The preferred way is to comment via the online form (comments tab) on the Planning Applications pages - you will need to be registered.
You may also e-mail Planning Control (Bolton Council) or write to Planning Control, Development and Regeneration, Town Hall, Bolton BL1 1RU (01204 336000).
We do not recommend standardised or formulaic comments and objections, use your own words related to planning and the impact of the application. Valid objections to a planning application must be 'material planning considerations'.
- Valid Objections
- Adequacy of parking/loading/turning
- Highway safety
- Traffic generation
- Noise and disturbance resulting from use
- Loss of trees
- Layout and density of building
- Road access
- Local, strategic, regional and national planning policies
- Government circulars, orders and statutory instruments
- Nature conservation
- Loss of light or overshadowing
- Overlooking/loss of privacy
- Visual amenity (but not loss of private view)
- Not Deemed Valid Objections
- Perceived loss of property value
- Loss of a view
- Impact of construction work
- Restrictive covenants
For reference, this is the S.W.A.N. objection for Lee hall as submitted by e-mail (17/8/15).
Related Links
Further information and reading related to main content.
Current Activity
Development sites up for planning approval or approved. Westhoughton Current Sites.
- Aldi Supermarket - 95552/15 (23/12/15).
- Bowlands Hey [129] - 97377/16 (6/9/16).
- Bowlands Hey [174] - 02781/18 (29/1/18).
- Gaiety [Retail Units] - 02159/17 (23/10/17).
- Hartleys Farm [58] - 03000/18 (26/2/18).
- Hulton Park [1036] 00997/17 (22/5/17)
- Park Road (Depot) [21] - 00940/17 (15/5/17).
- Roscoes Farm [106] - 93610/15 (13/2/15).
- Wellington Street [28] - 95151/15 (15/10/15).
- Wigan Road [8] - 02169/17 (20/10/17).
Planning Search (Bolton Council) - search by reference number, postcode, ward or single line of an address.
'My Bolton' - searchable 'My Maps'… navigate to desired area, select 'Planning' / 'Applications by year' / click pop-up 'ref' to view planning application.
Westhoughton Town Council - info
Meetings take place fortnightly, Monday evenings currently held at Library. Planning matters usually discussed on a monthly basis.
Upcoming: 9 March (7pm) [Planning]
Bolton Council Planning Committee - info
Thurs, 2 April (2-6pm)
Thurs, 23 April (2-6pm)
Council Chamber
Minutes/Info of all Council Meetings can be found on the
Meetings Calendar - look for Committee of interest, date and click on link for info, minutes and decisions.